About Airmeet

About Airmeet
As an event organizer, it was important for us to find a simple but effective solution for implementing online conferences. Airmeet is a good mix between usability and interactivity, without sacrificing anything for the presentation design. In this short video, Airmeet itself shows you how the software works.
Airmeet Features
Airmeet has some new features that make you feel like you are really participating in a conference. You can have a private conversation with individual participants or simply start a group discussion on any topic at a virtual table.
Speed Networking

Here you will be randomly connected to other participants and can video chat with them on any topic.

Speed Networking on Airmeet
Speed Networking on Airmeet
Virtual tables on Airmeet
Virtual Tables

In the lounge you will find the ``virtual tables`` here you can simply take a seat and exchange ideas with other participants on a specific topic.

Virtual tables on Airmeet
Choose your sessions

You decide which sessions you want to attend and which you don't want to attend. This allows you to set your own individual agenda.

Choose your sessions on airmeet
Choose your sessions on airmeet
Interactive sessions on Airmeet
Interactive sessions

You want to ask a question directly during a session? No problem - just raise your virtual hand. The speaker can include you directly in his presentation.

Interactive sessions on Airmeet
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